Saturday, September 28, 2013

i have sat on the couch too much today. i have lost one pound this week.  my spacebar doesn't always work on the right side.
tomorrow we'll go for a walk and exercise and enjoy the perfect weather more.

tomorrow we will clean.
things i am mostly concerned about these days are dieting, losing weight, getting in shape, not sitting on the couch too much, better posture...
the week before last my head constantly felt swimmy and floaty and i felt numb, literally, and nervous.  anxious.  i think it was from drinking coffee every morning again.  i had to go back to weekend only and this week i felt better. i was also eating super low carb then and this week i upped it a bit, so...

i keep looking at cars. i want a new car.  not for the material aspect, but something i can get in and drive drive drive all the way home without the worry of being roadside stranded.
i should get up.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


last weekend i did that thing where you go a little crazy and chop off all your hair.  gaby helped me out and chopped off all the rest.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

wearing: top - old navy / black jeans - bdg via urban outfitters / shoes - express

a nice simple saturday.  two cups of coffee and a tiny bit of cleaning.  finished writing my about the author andacknowledgements for the book.  looked at lots of dresses online.  watched an ok daved mamet movie on tv. made stuffed mushrooms and a salad. i want to read a little and maybe start watching veep.  or just get in bed with m and watch an episode of peep show and fall asleep.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


wearing: jacket - kmart / dress and belt - target / shoes and necklace - catos
since my days have changed and my size, too, i thought i'd start documenting my outfits again.  doing so in the past helped me learn what worked best, so here's to hoping it'll work that way again.  the dressing style at the office ranges from formal business to slightly business casual - depending on meeting days and goings on. 

it's been a while

but i got that job.  the one i really wanted.  and it's been great.  i'm really happy and really excited and really into it all.  i don't know if i ever really expected to feel that way.  ever. 

a new schedule has been an adjustment.  waking up before 7 am is something different.  going to bed before midnight is too.  but it hasn't been too bad.  i like making my lunches and putting out my clothes the night before.   
the patterns for the book are finished.  we're in the editing and photography stage.  em sent me sneaks of the photos and they're beautiful.  this project has felt a bit quick and my confidence was shaky, but after seeing them i know it'll be fine.  i just need to get on the ball with my intro and acknowledgements.