Sunday, December 2, 2012

drive home

it looks like someone cut a hole in the sky and stuck the moon through it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

early to bed

it feels as though tonight is sunday and tomorrow morning i'll have to wake and go into work.  it doesn't feel as if there are two more days of weekend to enjoy.  i had intended to stay up early into the morn again and get the pieces for this wholesale order tagged and woven and ready to go, but after a night of music and beer with an out-of-town friend who unexpectedly dropped by my eyes are feeling heavier than i wanted them to by this time.  i've got the audio of the mark twain autobiography playing on my phone which i was hoping would push me along through my tasks once i became engrossed in the story, but well over an hour into it the reader is still only at the intro which seems awfully repetitive at the moment and his voice is not my favorite.

earlier today the three of us finally ventured out to the new whole foods.  we walked up and down each aisle and i bought mint shampoo and a bottle of beer for m.  m bought mint shower gel and a box of christmas cookies for c.

once home i found my new stamp for softspoken waiting for me in the mailbox.  i'm hoping this will cut down on my constant need to order new business cards and hangtags.  a box of yarn was also waiting so i was able to get further along in this wholesale order.  i also have the big crafty coming up next sunday and a smaller craft show not next thursday but the next, so things are beginning to feel hectic.  hopefully i'll be able to keep up.  i've been trying to avoid taking on too much this holiday season -  only trying to stick with what i feel i can safely handle.  things pile on so quickly though - this time of year, especially.

Friday, November 23, 2012


a few weekends ago ann and i went to the rothko exhibit.  but first after parking we ran across yarn bombed trees and hanging things in the courtyard.  i took photos with my phone.  i am always torn between loving yarn bombed things and also not.  i guess because it is so mainstream now and on the today show and good morning america and wherever else.  at the art MUSEUM.  you know, things like that.  but.  the rothko exhibit.  at first i was excited because i really liked the white headphones they gave me to wear for the audio tour. i have a thing for headphones lately, but then i was even more excited once we actually saw the exhibit.  it was lovely and striking and moving and interesting and well done.  except for the glass.  the glass they chose was so reflective and terrible, but sometimes it was surprising to see yourself staring back within that great expanse of color.  sometimes i liked that, even if it was mostly distracting.  once finished we ventured through the other galleries then afterwards we drove around and talked and tried to solve the mystery of where to eat in early afternoon on a sunday in columbia till we were famished and finally stopped for burgers and beer.

i haven't done a whole lot since then.  work.  a wholesale order.  house cleaning.  thanksgiving prep.

our thanksgiving turned out fine.  the food was good and all our dishes turned out.  i ate too much but managed to avoid any feelings of elastic waisted misery.  i am pmsing and i can feel my moods waiver here and there, but i've held on.  we had a good day, mostly.  i wanted to end my day with crocheting and scaring myself with zombie shows, but here it is 4:21 am and i let myself start to get worked up over thoughts of people i let bother me but cooled myself and decided to write here instead.  really i should give the cats more water and turn in because -  4:23 am.

Monday, October 29, 2012

this lone scribble: 10.29.2012

i've already eaten too many calories today, but all i want now is a big bowl of tuna fish salad. with onions and pickles. and the last sierra nevada in the fridge. it seems i can never get it right. if i'm exercising then i'm eating too much. if i get my eating under control then i'm not working out. when i get paid this week i'm gonna get some healthy groceries and try to avoid the carbs for a while. i've already lost 5 lbs since starting my job just from not sitting around stitching 24/7, so i want to take advantage of the momentum. but right now i have pms and i'm bloated from last night's veggie chilli and feel as big as a house.

wednesday i have an interview for a full-time position at the library and i'm already nervous. i have a feeling i'll probably get it, but i'm trying not to get my hopes up too high just in case. i've been thinking a lot about this move from self-employment to a possible career lately. i do feel a bit of sadness to leave it behind (though i won't completely) and slightly mourn the loss of control i'll have over my schedule, but am mostly relieved and excited even. i don't mind my time at the library and i think it's been good for me to get out of the house and more social interaction have lifted my spirits. my co-workers are nice people and i enjoy our regular patrons. today my old boss from my first job out of library school, a small shelving gig at a tiny little branch, came in - she's retired now - and in a way it almost felt like a sign to see her then even though i'm not one for that sort of thing.

for some reason thoughts of my own days of retirement have crossed my mind lately. i don't think i've ever given much thought to my golden years and how i'd like to spend them. seems like i've always been more focused on age prevention creams and stretching the days of my youth - something that's a mixture of beauty and fashion magazines and being a late bloomer who feels she has to make the best use of the last bit of youth that wasn't wasted on sadness and crippling insecurities. i think it started from petting the sheep at the state fair and imagining a country house and spinning my own yarn. which i'll probably never do, but it's a new thing for me to feel a sudden peace with that stage of my life to come.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

ootd + latest makings: 10.25.2012 : beret (crochet)





came up with a new crochet pattern. it's been a while.

wearing: top - cititrends but chopped and altered // jeans - bdg high waist jeans // blazer - kmart clearance // beret - crocheted by me

hiding: 10.25.2012


where's lilbit?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

ootd: 10.18.2012


IMG_8826-001.JPG_effected.jpg IMG_8834-001.JPG_effected.jpg


wearing: sweater - f21 clearance // skirt - f21 // tights - kmart clearance // shoes - wetseal clearance // purse - thrifted